ServDes. 2016
Fifth Service Design and Innovation conference
Griffin, & Moenaert, Forthcoming). The current paper is an initial attempt to describe
aspects of the research presented during the first four Service Design and innovation
(ServDes) conferences, by looking at the authors of- and references made, in the 105
research papers published so far at ServDes. The study does not look at the content of the
produced research, but rather lays the foundation and identifies the context for future
studies of research content. Our interest lies in understanding what ServDes researchers read
and to some extent, what their backgrounds are. It is also of interest to look at the
progression within the field and the extent to which ServDes authors reference other
ServDes papers. We have conducted a search in the Scopus (Elsevier, n.d.) database using
the papers from ServDes, and made an analysis based on the references in the research
papers published in the proceedings
ServDes History
ServDes was initially called the Nordic Conference on Service Design and Service
Innovation, and the first conference was held in Oslo, Norway on the 24th
26th of
November 2009. On the ServDes webpage (ServDes, 2015) you can read the following
about the history of the conference:
ServDes conference was born on a bridge in Pittsburgh U.S. during the Emergence 2007 Service
Design Conference organized by Carnegie Mellon University. Professor Simon Clatworthy (AHO),
senior lecturers Virpi Kaartti (Laurea UAS) and Janne-Valtteri Nisula (Laurea UAS) decided to
create a scientific multidisciplinary Nordic Service Design & Innovation conference. Soon professor
Stefan Holmlid (Linköping University) and professors Nicola Morelli and Christian Tollestrup
from Aalborg University joined the initiative. ServDes founding members are: AHO, Laurea UAS,
Linköping University, Aalborg University.
The organizing committees of the conferences made some strategic decisions after the first
conference, such as making it a bi-annual event on years opposite to the Nordic Design
Research Conference (Nordes) and on the same years as the Participatory Design
Conference (PDC), but during the first half instead of the second half of the year. This also
helped avoid clashes with other possible fora for publishing service design. It was also
The proceedings can be found online.
2009: Simon Clatworthy, Janne-Valtteri Nisula, Stefan Holmlid (2009). Conference Proceedings
ServDes.2009; DeThinking Service; ReThinking Design; Oslo Norway 24-26 November 2009
2010: Stefan Holmlid, Janne-Valtteri Nisula, Simon Clatworthy (2010). Conference Proceedings;
ServDes.2010; Exchanging Knowledge; Linköping; Sweden; 1-3 December 2010
2012: Päivi J. Tossavainen, Milla Harjula, Stefan Holmlid (2012). ServDes.2012 Conference
Proceedings Co-Creating Services; The 3rd Service Design and Service Innovation Conference; 8-10
February; Espoo; Finland and
2014: Daniela Sangiorgi, David Hands, Emma Murphy (2014). ServDes.2014 Service Future;
Proceedings of the fourth Service Design and Service Innovation Conference; Lancaster University;
United Kingdom; 9-11 April 2014